How to use My Dental CliQue portals as a GUEST.
You know you are a GUEST if you are not a paying SUBSCRIBER to MDC.
SUBSCIBER (Provider sending referral) sends you alert to your personal email, which you will see “VIEW TICKET”
Either this takes you to LOGIN, which means you currently HAVE an existing account (GUEST) and need to enter your email (which you received alert) and your Password. If you do not have the password, please select FORGOT PASSWORD and we will immediately email you a link to reset.
OR- VIEW TICKET takes you to REGISTRATION (creates a GUEST account) which you will need to fill out (It’s FREE) and submit to MDC, then you will receive a VERIFY email to select in your email to confirm your email & login to MDC as a guest.
Once your logged in please select the ticket # to open the patient referral.
You will see ATTACHMENTS to view or download
If you wish to send secure records or communicate with the MDC Subscriber (sender) please select SEND A MESSAGE in the far upper right corner on the patient referral.
If you need further assistance, please call us @ 248-343-4892